33booksforanotherbelarus 33booksforanotherbelarus



Нетутэйшыя: Reversion

Нетутэйшыя: Reversion

For Belarusian literature, the 1990s were a time of liberation from the rigid corset of the Soviet literary tradition, in which only certain themes and forms were permitted. In the transition period, new forms and unusual combinations of genres proli... More
Minsk School (Almanac)

Minsk School (Almanac)

Since the 2000s, Dmitry Strotsev has been publishing the "Minsk School" almanac in order to pass on the work of the non-conformist Belarusian authors of the 1970s and 1980s. The main language of the almanac was initially Russian, the language of thes... More
The Cultural-Historical Brothel of the Lawyer Velinoŭsky
Paval Kasciukevich

The Cultural-Historical Brothel of the Lawyer Velinoŭsky

The Cultural-Historical Brothel of the Lawyer Velinoŭsky (light novel) Zyanon Pashtalenka, a student from Minsk, gets a job in the mysterious embassy of Ancient Greece in the Republic of Belarus, where he gets caught up in a maelstrom of dizzy... More
"Soviet Belarus" under the Direction of Michasj Tscharot (non-fiction)
Hanna Sieviaryniec

"Soviet Belarus" under the Direction of Michasj Tscharot (non-fiction)

This book was written as a result of many years of research and archival work, which addressed the following questions: What stages does the history of the most important Soviet Belarusian-language newspaper "Soviet Belarus" cover, from its cr... More
Errors and Gaps
Aliaxey Talstou

Errors and Gaps

In his book Errors and Gaps, Aliaxey Talstou deals with the big issues of the present: the connection between information technologies and human consciousness, the instrumentalisation of history by authoritarian regimes, the effects of capitalism.... More
Language Games
Tanya Dzivakova and Vera Burlak

Language Games

The artist and educator Tanya Dzivakova and the poet, translator and doctor of literature Vera Burlak are developing language games for children in Belarusian, a language that is coming under increasing pressure in today's Belarus. Many children left... More


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